Disk No: 3033 Disk Title: DOS-Joke PC-SIG Version: S1 Program Title: DOS-Joke Author Version: 1.7 Author Registration: $14.90 Special Requirements: Graphics monitor (EGA/VGA recommended). Hard drive It sure looks like a usual computer with the DOS "C:" prompt on the screen, but it sounds as if it has flatulence! This is no normal computer; it's a computer with DOS-JOKE installed. Once you run DOS-JOKE, it displays the standard DOS prompt, but it's ready for fun. As with other DOS prompt practical joke programs, it displays smart-aleck remarks when the user types something in. DOS-JOKE is unique because it uses your built-in speaker to also "speak" the jokes. It includes remarks, music, noises (a phone ringing), and noises of a deeply personal nature-but those are probably the things that practical jokers enjoy the most. You can even set it to go off at regular intervals during your absence. It's a wacky program, but be warned that some people may be offended by some of its actions. You have to decide if that's good or bad. PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.